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Blogging – My experience so far and what I learn from it each day #SheInspires Women’s Day Initiative

Today was just another day until I received my first Blogger Badge from Jabong India! β™₯ And this is what they sent:

Dear Princy,

Being opinionated isn’t easy,

Being vocal isn’t easy,

Whether on blog or on social media – Being You is just not easy!

Your journey altogether wasn’t easy.

As a woman blogger you got through several obstacles and criticism. Yet you evolved as a powerful voice on Internet.

We admire your passion for Being Opinionated, being vocal and just Being You.

And thus we want to present you a badge that defines you and your spirit.


Made my day! πŸ™‚

And this paved way for another blog post which I decided to write πŸ˜€ Since Women’s Day is not so far, I want to write about how my blogging journey began and what I learn from it each day.

Let’s run a flashback? It’s easier for me to explain that way πŸ˜€

Back in 2012: I used to read loads of articles on different blogs about beauty and fashion. I have always been someone who believes in presenting myself well. Be it a formal meet or a casual one, I love experimenting with my looks!



the jeromy diaries princy mascarenhas (1280 x 640)

Leap to February 2014:Β I wanted to write for one of the top beauty blogs in India. But never did so as there was no one to give me that extra push. Somehow made up my mind and sent my first article to the blog. They approved it and the response I got on the blog was overwhelming! πŸ˜€ As obvious it could be, I sent my first article link to Mr.Jeromy(my everything)…he loved every bit of it! He constantly encouraged me to write for that blog.

June 2014: Amidst all this, I graduated with a B.E in Computer Science degree and a job in hand.

August 2014: By august, the amount of love I received on the blog I wrote was amazing. It felt like I had a huge online family πŸ˜›

That’s when Mr.Jeromy asked meΒ  told me that I need to start my own blog. I spoke to my parents about it and they felt I should go ahead. I thought about it and felt it was a brilliant idea since I loved helping people with my reviews as well as give honest opinions on products and useful tips on outfits.

Amidst this, I resigned the job I was offered on campus . My team at work got shifted to Mumbai permanently which was unacceptable for my parents. They did not let me go fearing my safety. A huge blow to my senses and at the same time, a new idea on my mind. I was quite clueless as to how do I go about it.

October 29th,2014:Β My blog went live! πŸ˜€ The response was amazing. There started my wonderful journey with The Jeromy DiariesΒ πŸ™‚ β™₯

Initially, I was bombarded with a 100 questions from everyone around me asking “You did engineering in Computer Science to start a blog?” Β And my only answer to them is and will always beΒ “I can be an Engineer AND a Blogger”Β πŸ™‚ Is it necessary to only follow one career path all your life? Heck no! I would want to have the best of both worlds πŸ˜€

Since 5 months, blogging changed the way I approach things in my life.Β I was someone who used to always procrastinate but once I started blogging, I have stopped doing that. Not completely though but yes to an extent. πŸ˜›Β Blogging has given me a wonderful opportunity to voice out my sincere opinions on products and if it’s best to buy them or not.

Blogging has changed the way I take care of myself. Taking good care of my skin and hair so that I can give the best tips to my readers is my motive now. There is nothing in the world I enjoy as much as blogging! And I’m glad I can contribute in a way and help my readers πŸ™‚

March 2015:We are a 5-month old blog now but seems like it has just been days since I started blogging. I have a job now to prove my degree and more than that, I have a wonderful base of readers on my blog who mean the world to me. πŸ™‚Β Each day I get to read and interact with fellow bloggers which is wonderful and I learn from each one of them!

To all those people who think we women can’t multitask, well here’s the real deal –

Women don’t have to choose ‘OR’.We have the power to choose ‘AND’! I don’t want to be an Engineer OR Blogger.Β 

I want to be an Engineer AND a Blogger! πŸ˜‰


More power to us! #WomenEmpowerment #WomensDay

Until next time,

Ciao. β™₯



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  1. Awesome Princy. Yes we can be two things or more. Happy Women’s Day.

    1. So true Krupa πŸ™‚ Happyyyyyy Women’s day to you too! ^_^

  2. beautiful πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Neha πŸ™‚

  3. I lurve the way u write!! My very honest opinion. πŸ˜› And am a very poor reader. πŸ˜€ u deserve this and alot more. πŸ™‚

    1. Awwwwwww β™₯ πŸ™‚